Saturday, October 10, 2009


Redoing the Logo Tag 2 more times... and bringing to class a printed copy of your original Logo.

Also finish as best you can filling out the Integrated Project form- this way you can ask questions about those parts that you are having problems with... (no question is too silly!)


  1. Sir,
    For the media project, do i need to contact someone in school? If so, can i used my idea of animal cruelty, related with english since we are doing protest and have you as my contact in school?

  2. that would be great- how about contacting the SPCA- I'm sure they'd talk to you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can my powerpoint be my film trailer? I mean to put both as one
    Also, does the whole project have to be done for thursday october 22nd?
    if not, what is supposed to be on the USB key? I am not sure if i understood clearly. do i have to make a proposal.. is that to know what i am going to be doing for the actual project? is it like a brainstorm? So, this has to be done on powerpoint?
