Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last Week Review (end Oct 30th)


We've been working through the LES and will be finishing it up (spending half a class on getting it done).  The marking of the Integrated project is going well.

Coming up: We are going to looking further at Design/advertising techniques and start working through some excersises that will give us a hands-on look at different expressions of mediums.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Review Last Week (end Oct 22nd)

Last week we were working to get the first phase of your integrated project handed in.  Every regular student had to go through this process and we had a great success among a number of classes- ours being one of them!

We also finished the analysis of the advertisement and looking at the first of the advertising techniques. 

Coming up:  Your LES, which is a two day testing period, starts on Tuesday and ends Wednesday.  This LES will test how competent you are in the various materials that we have learned this term- especially the vocabulary, Branding, Spin, and Advertising techniques, as well as looking how the brain makes decisions and designs solutions- this is where marketers and advertisers want to be- knowing how you think is the first step to successfully creating a need and providing a solution/product.


  1. Having seen the video documentary, Sexy Inc., you need to respond on your blog to the following questions:   
  • Was there a point where you felt you were overwhelmed and felt like your "image" wasn't enough.   
  • Is the line blurred between what is "Sexy" and the image that you have (or are building) of yourself.   
  • Whose role is it to set "limits"?   
  • What advise would you give to a 4 year old about start her "social life", by going to school next year?          
          Please title this blog entry "Video Doc response"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Last Week Review (end Oct 16)

It seems that I hardly saw you last week...!  We did however continue to look at advertising techniques and apply them to your own ads that you brought in.  This is getting you ready for your LES that will be coming up soon- I will be pushing it back a week so that all classes will be sure to be at the same point and also be sure that you all have your Power Point Presentations in.

Coming up:  This week we will devote to getting the power points and integrated project forms in (due on the 22nd of October).  We will also look a little further into advertising techniques and their effect on the public.

Your LES will now start the week of October 26th-30th (I lose you on the 29th because of Career Fair)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Redoing the Logo Tag 2 more times... and bringing to class a printed copy of your original Logo.

Also finish as best you can filling out the Integrated Project form- this way you can ask questions about those parts that you are having problems with... (no question is too silly!)

Last Week Review (end Oct 9)

This week we finished up the movie "Thank You for Smoking" and so wrapped up our look at the world of SPIN and LOBBYISTs.  This was to illustrate that there are forces (people and organizations) that work very hard to get their message with their Point Of View into our everyday life, our homes and minds.  They do this by going beyond the obvious advertisements; they do it using government policy, the entertainment industry, and spin the facts how they see fit.

Then we turned our attention back to traditional 2D print ads.  These are the simpilist examples of design and media techniques.  We looked at only one technique at this point and that is the Rule of Thirds.

Coming up:  We will continue looking at the advertising and design techniques.  Also we will be turning our attention specifically to the Integrated Project Form that needs to be handed in with your Power Point presentation.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Logo Tag

Due: Wednesday Oct 7th, 2009
  1. first make a new post- it must be titled Logo Tag
  2. find a logo (any logo) and post it- be sure to reference the URL  by telling me the site's name and linking to it (remember no www!).
  3. Once you have yours in "play" please make another new post- you will need to go to another classmate's site and "tag" their picture; copy their picture to your site and reference your classmate's site.
  4. you are done.
This is to see if you understand and can grab pictures and link- this is the concept of hyperlinking!  Good Luck!

Last Week Review (end Oct 2)

Looking at my agenda it's blank.  That can mean one of two things- eithr we did nothing or we did so much that I didn't have time to record it...  (we won't even think of the third option- my procastative nature...) but looking back at the week this is what we did:

  1. Looked at old cigarette commercials which make great examples of branding.  If you want the "fun" to continue just do a Youtube search for cigarette commercials
  2. By looking at these commercials we saw the use of "distances" used by advertisers to make a product "friendlier"- these distances are: 1) Social, 2) Personal, and 3) Intimate.
  3. We also looked at the definitions of Lobbyist and Spin- techniques used by advertisers, companies/corporations and politicians to convince people of their point of view.  To support this we watched the satirical movie "Thank You for Smoking"
Coming up:  We'll be looking a bit more closely at the integrated project and Power Point presentations- getting you ready for your Oct 22 project due date.  We will also continue to look at branding/logos and advertising- consentrating on the Visual image in the advertisement.  Later to look at Companies and their presence on the internet and how they advertise.

Friday, October 2, 2009

logo tag

this is where you go to get to the Jobs with Justice